Saturday, November 29, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving, all; I'm thankful to report that I didn't spend Thursday evening reading Gogol and eating shchi, for a Middlebury in Moscow alumnus now working for the American Embassy here invited us all to her place to speak English and celebrate everyone's favorite holiday.  The meal was just what I needed, thanks to a few diplomats in the kitchen and the American food store on the other side of the complex (where you can buy Hellmann's mayonnaise and other classics), and the company was also rewarding.  At times it's surprising how little I know about the other students in my program--since all our conversation is restricted to Russian--so I enjoyed the chance to speak English with them very much.  The diplomats were also an interesting bunch, with plenty of international travel behind them, so we got to hear some good stories from a professional path that, by the looks of it, several students in our program intend to look into as well.  
Otherwise, the big news is that I'll be playing bass for a local band here, at least for a little while.  The guy I work for (tutoring English), who's beginning to resemble less an employer than a straight-up benefactor, told his wife, who sings for the group, that I can play bass, so yesterday I went over to their rehearsal and played around the fretboard a bit.  They're a very strange band--to be honest not exactly my style--playing an odd type of medieval pop-rock, but I'm stoked to be playing and practicing my Russian in such a non-academic situation.  Today I'm going to try to go to the big indoor skatepark here.


dc said...


LB said...

Shred it up at the skatepark bro and bring a taste of Pegleg/Comatose/The Book Club to Moscow!

Wenonga said...

We are not sure what medieval pop is, but it sounds like fun - they didn't need a ukelele?!

Unknown said...

You should name yourselves "The Triumphant Communist Book Club of the People of the Glorious Soviet Union", or T.T.C.B.P.G.S.U. for short.

-alex geer

Wenonga said...

Mr. Ulitsa - are you enjoying leftovers, are you back to eating shchi (which is what, exactly)?